Let all sing out and proclaim
with lofty, noble voices,
The greatness of the Ave
In praise of Holy Mary
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
O divine prayer,
If you were truly known,
Everyone on this earth
Would pray you night and day
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
Never had the heretics,
never have the doomed
Truly experienced
Its angelic sweetness
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
O soul by God chosen,
It is yours to praise,
Yours it is to relish
The Ave, God's hidden manna,
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
Angels in glory,
Man in the world,
Devils in hell,
Souls in purgatory,
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
God redeemed the world
By the Hail Mary
By it, He will renew
The earth and the seas.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
The Ave ravished Mary
And her faithful consent,
And now she is still ravished
When she hears the Ave prayed.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
By its grace, it makes fertile
Everything here below.
Yet it is not valued
Through its grace has no equal.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
The earth was once sterile,
But when the angel said Ave
It brought forth its Fruit,
The earth became fertile
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
By the Ave, now listen well,
Sinners are converted,
Devils are defeated,
And hell is running scared.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
The Ave profoundly enthralls,
Making everyone surrender;
The greatest enemies of God
It strips and disarms.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
God himself in his wrath,
Cannot resist its power
When He hears the Ave,
From judge, he becomes father.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
What a powerful weapon
In fighting temptation,
And in all afflictions,
A delightful balm.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
Whoever prays the Ave
With solid devotion
Crushes the devil,
Putting all hell to flight.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
It makes angels rejoice,
Also Mother and Son;
And all paradise
Cries out its praises.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
It obtains obtains forgiveness
And grace for the sinner
And for the just, fervor and true perseverance.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
The Ave enlightens, enflames,
It protects and it nourishes, it comforts, it heals,
It grants the soul grace.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
The Ave does everything.
If one prays it often
And very devoutly,
It turns ice into fire.
By the Ave Maria, son will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
The Ave quickly wins over
A heart most rebellious,
The obstinate heretics
Soon become believers.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
When you pray it well
You're rich and so wise,
Although, as you say,
You can't even read!
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
As for me, no matter what's said,
In order to please God,
I pray it everywhere,
At home and in church.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
When I arise or retire,
Go out or come home,
Outdoors, in the house,
It is always in my mouth.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
I am invincible
Having prayed my Ave
I am full of spirit,
No fear of the devil.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
The devil and the world
Have often attacked me
To take my Ave away;
When they rant, more Aves I pray.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
O Salutary advice!
O marvelous secret!
To become perfect,
Say a rosary a day.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
Whoever does this faithfully
Will advance quickly,
Will live perfectly,
Will die peacefully,
And will surely obtain Eternal life.
By the Ave Maria, sin will be destroyed.
By the Ave Maria, Great Jesus will reign.
-Hymn 89 from The Hymns of St. Louis de Montfort