Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Seven Sorrows Devotion

From the blogger: The Seven Sorrows of Our Lady is a powerful devotion and one particularly suited for the spiritual warfare of our times. The Church has honored our the Blessed Virgin Mary's sufferings under the following seven sufferings:

1) The Prophecy of St. Simeon
2) The Flight into Egypt 
3) The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple
4) Mary meets Jesus on the Way of the Cross
5) Mary stands at the foot of the Cross
6) The piercing of Jesus's side and the taking down of the body of Jesus from the Cross
7) The Burial of Jesus

This devotion can be practiced by either reciting 7 Hail Mary's in honor of the Sorrows or the recitation of the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows. I urge any Catholic reader of this blog to please institute this devotion in your life, it will purify from sin and especially any persistent sin you may have difficulty in overcoming. Our Lord promised four special graces for this devotion:
1) Those who invoke the Heavenly Mother through her sorrows will obtain true sorrow for their sins before death.
2) Our Savior will protect them in their tribulations, especially at the hour of death.
3) He will impress upon them the memory of His Passion, and will reward them for it in Heaven.
4) He will commit such devout servants to the hands of Mary, that she may dispose of them according to her pleasure, and obtain for them all the graces she desires.

Father Faber also enumerates a few more graces:
1) This devotion has a remarkable connection with great interior holiness.
2) It reveals the emptiness of worldly joys. Worldliness finds no soul harder to attack than one entrenched in the sorrows of our Blessed Lady. The world can graft itself upon nothing in this devotion.
3) It gives us a permanent share in the sorrow for sin which Jesus and Mary felt.
4) It keeps our thoughts close to Jesus Christ, and to Him Crucified.
5) It communicates to our souls the spirit of the Cross and gives us strength to endure our own sufferings with resignation to the Holy Will of God.
6) This devotion is wholly covered with the Precious Blood of Jesus and leads us directly into the depths of the Heart of our Savior.
7) Anyone who during his lifetime has cherished compassion for this afflicted Mother may consider this as a most assured sign of predestination.

Please pray to Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows!

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