Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Daughter of thy Son

"Thou Virgin Mother, daughter of thy Son,
Humble and high beyond all other creature,
The limit fixed of the eternal counsel,

Thou are the one who such nobility 
To human nature gave, that its Creator 
Did not disdain to make himself its creature.

Within thy womb rekindled was the love,
By heat of which in the eternal peace
After such wise this flower has germinated.

Here unto us thou art a noonday torch
Of charity, and below there among mortals
Thou are the living fountain-head of hope.

Lady, thou are so great, and so prevailing,
That he who wishes grace, nor runs to thee,
His aspirations without wings would fly."
                                           -Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy, Paradiso Canto XXXIII, as translated by Henry W. Longfellow

Mother of God (Hymn)

At morn - at noon - at twilight dim -
Maria! thou hast heard my hymn!
In joy and woe - in good and ill -
Mother of God, be with me still!
When the Hours flew brightly by,
And not a cloud obscured the sky,
My soul, lest it should truant be,
Thy grace did guide to thine and thee;
Now, when the storms of Fate o'ercast
Darkly my Present, and my Past,
Let my Future radiant shine
With sweet hopes of thee and thine!
                                -hymn by Edgar Allen Poe as quoted in Angelus Domini with Legendary Lays and Poems in Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary compiled and edited by A Daughter of the Church, published by The Baker & Taylor Company Publishers 1893.

The Power of the Name of Mary (3)

1. When I pronounce the name of Mary, I feel myself inflamed with such love and joy, that between the tears and happiness with which I pronounce this beautiful name, I feel as though my heart might leave my breast! For this sweet name is like a honey-comb dissolving in the innermost recesses of my soul.
                                                                                    -Blessed Henry Suso supra, cited in booklet Mary, Our Mother, p. 52 (Clyde, Mo., 1921).

2. Give me, O glorious Virgin, the strength, talent, and speech, that I may announce to the faithful and to your clients the glory of your name. Not how much it is, nor what it is; but that I, your little servant, may tell something of your immense praises, to your glory, to my devotion, and the solace of all the readers.
                                                                                    -Saint Bernardin of Siena, O.F.M. (+1444), cited in Foreword to Fr. Fulgence's Who is She? (Cincinnati, 1935).

3. The name of Mary is joy to the heart, honey to the mouth, music to the ear.
                                                                                    -Saint Antoninus, O.P. (+1459), quoted in Abp. Kenrick's Month of Mary.

4. The devils fear the Queen of Heaven to such a degree, that only on hearing her great name pronounced, they fly from him who does so as from a burning fire.
                                                                                    -Venerable Thomas a' Kempis (+ 1471): Ad Nov., s. 23.

5. The name of Mary should be highly esteemed by all pious persons. It should be embraced by religious, recommended to seculars, preached to sinners, whispered to the sorrowing, and invoked by all men in time of danger.
                                                                                    -Venerable Thomas supra, cited in booklet Devotion to Mary (Clyde, Mo., 1943).

6. The name of Mary is glorious, holy and sweet. It is glorious because it means Lady and Queen, not of one province only, but of all created things in Heaven, on earth, and in hell . . . Mary means "full of light," and "light-giving," inasmuch as, being filled with light from Heaven, she has shed brightness upon the whole world, by giving birth to Eternal Light, Our Lord Jesus Christ, whilst still remaining in the glory of her virginity.
                                                                                     -Fra Girolamo Savonarola, O.P. (+ 1498), as quoted by Fr. Stanislaus Hogan, O.P. in art. "Savonarola's Devotion to Mary, the Mother of Christ," in Ecclesiastical Review, May, 1919.

7. After the most holy and adorable Name of Jesus, there is no name more glorious or more powerful than the name of Mary. At the mention of this name, the angels rejoice and the devils tremble; through the invocation of this name, sinners obtain grace and pardon.
                                                                                     -Saint Peter Canisius, S.J., Doct. of Church (+ 1597), cited in Mysteries of Mary.

8. I would exchange all my learning for the merit of a single devout Hail Mary.
                                                                                     -Francisco Suarez, S.J. (+ 1617), cited in Mary, Our Mother, p. 43.

9. As often as the sweet name of Mary comes to your lips, you ought to represent to yourself a masterpiece of God's power, so perfect and so sublime that even the arm of the Almighty could not produce anything more perfect in the shape of a pure creature.
                                                                                     -Saint Leonard of Port Maurice, O.F.M. (+ 1751), cited in Fr. Griffith's booklet The Hail Mary, p. 19 (Dublin, 1926).

10. Salvation is occasionally more easily obtained, says Saint Anselm [De Excell. Virg., c. 6] by calling on the Name of Mary than by invoking that of Jesus. Not that he is not the source and Lord of all graces, but because, when we have recourse to the Mother, and she prays for us, her prayers have greater efficacy than ours, as being those of a mother.
                                                                                      -Saint Alphonsus Liguori, C. SS. R., Doct. of Church (+ 1787): Glories of Mary, pt. II, disc. v, p. 389 (ed. Grimm).

Friday, May 24, 2013

Ancient Irish litany of the ever Blessed Mother of God

O Great Mary,
Mary, Greatest of Marys,
Most great of women,
Queen of the angels,
Mistress of the heavens,
Woman full and replete with the grace of the Holy Spirit,
Blessed and most blessed,
Mother of Eternal Glory,
Mother of the heavenly and earthly Church,
Mother of love and indulgence,
Mother of the golden light,
Honor of the sky,
Harbinger of peace,
 Gate of Heaven,
Golden casket,
Couch of love and mercy,
Temple of the Divinity,
Beauty of virgins,
Mistress of the tribes,
Fountain of the gardens,
Cleansing of sins,
Washing of souls,
Mother of orphans,
Breast of the infants,
Refuge of the wretched,
Star of the sea,
Handmaid of God,
Mother of Christ,
Abode of the Godhead,
Graceful as the dove,
Serene like the moon,
Resplendent like the sun,
Destruction of Eve's disgrace,
Regeneration of life,
Perfection of women,
Chief of the virgins,
Garden enclosed,
Fountain sealed,
Mother of God,
Perpetual Virgin,
Holy Virgin,
Prudent Virgin,
Serene Virgin,
Chaste Virgin,
Temple of the Living God,
Throne of the Eternal King,
Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit,
Virgin of the root of Jesse,
Cedar of Mount Lebanon,
Cypress of Mount Sion,
Crimson rose in the land of Jacob,
Fruitful like the olive,
Blooming like the palm,
Glorious son-bearer,
Light of Nazareth,
Glory of Jerusalem,
Beauty of the world,
Noblest born of the Christian people
Queen of life,
Ladder of Heaven,
  Hear the petition of the poor; spurn not
the wounds and the groans of the miserable.
  Let our devotion and our sighs be carried
through thee to the presence of the Creator,
for we are not ourselves worthy of being
heard because of our evil deserts.
  O powerful Mistress of Heaven and earth,
wipe out our trespasses and our sins.
  Destroy our wickedness and depravity.
  Raise the fallen, the debilitated, and the fettered.
Loose the condemned. Repair through thyself the
transgressions of our immorality and our vices.
Bestow upon us through thyself the blossoms and
ornaments of good actions and virtues. Appease for us
the Judge by thy prayers and thy supplications.
Allow us not, for mercy's sake, to be carried off
from thee among the spoils of our enemies. Allow
not our souls to be condemned, but take us to thyself
for ever under thy protection.
  We, moreover, beseech and pray thee, O holy Mary,
to obtain, through thy potent supplication, before thy only
Son, that is, Jesus Christ, the son of the living God, that
God may defend us from all straits and temptations.
Obtain also for us from the God of Creation the forgiveness
and remission of all our sins and trespasses, and that we may
receive from Him further, through thy intercession, the
everlasting habitation of the heavenly kingdom, through all
eternity, in the presence of the saints and the saintly virgins of the
world; which may we deserve, may we enjoy, in saecula saeculorum.
                -Ancient Irish Litany of the ever Blessed Mother of God, dated to the 8th century and indulgenced by Blessed Pope Pius IX, 5th September 1862.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Little Container

Hail, our desirable gladness;
Hail, O rejoicing of the churches;
Hail, O name that breathes out sweetness;
Hail, face that radiates divinity and grace;
Hail, most venerable memory;
Hail, O spiritual and saving fleece;
Hail, O Mother of unsetting splendor, filled with light;
Hail, unstained Mother of holiness;
Hail, most limpid font of the life-giving wave;
Hail, new Mother, workshop of the birth.
Hail, ineffable Mother of a mystery beyond understanding;
Hail, new book of a new scripture,
of which, as Isaiah tells,
angels and men are faithful witnesses.
Hail, alabaster jar of sanctifying ointment;
Hail, best trader of the coin of virginity;
Hail, creature embracing your Creator;
Hail, little container containing the Uncontainable.
                                 -Theodotus of Ancyra (d. before 446) Homily 4,3; PG 77, 1393 B-C.

The Power of the Name of Mary (2)

1. Who is she that goeth up by the desert as a pillar of smoke [Cant. iii, 6]? Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising [Cant. vi, 9]? Who is this that cometh up from the desert, flowing with delights [Cant. viii, 5]? And why do the angels so often ask the name of their Queen? It was so sweet even to the angels to hear it pronounce, that they desired to hear that name in reply.
                                                -Richard of St. Lawrence (+ 1245): De Laud. V.M.

2. And the Virgin's name was Mary [St. Luke i, 27]. These two words, Mary and Virgin, are joined together by the Evangelist, to denote that the name of this most pure Virgin should always be coupled with the virtue of chastity.
                                                -Ibidem supra.

3. Glorious indeed, and admirable, is they name, O Mary; for those who pronounce it at death need not fear all the powers of hell... Men do nat fear a powerful hostile army as the powers of hell fear the name and protection of Mary.
                                                -Saint Bonaventure, O.F.M., Doct. of Church (+ 1274); quoted in Mary, Our Hope, p. 22 (Mary's Book, vol. iv, College of St. Francis, Joliet, 1941).

4. As was melts before fire, so do the devils lose their power against those souls who remember the name of Mary and devoutly invoke it.
                                                -Saint Bonaventure supra, quoted in Fr. Griffith's The Hail Mary (Dublin).

5. Ave Maria! This name was inserted [in the Angelic Salutation] not by the Angel, but by the devotion of the faithful. The blessed Evangelist Luke says significantly, And the name of the Virgin was Mary (St. Luke i, 27). This most holy, sweet and worthy name was eminently fitting to so holy, sweet and worthy a virgin. For Mary means a bitter sea, star of the sea, the illuminated or illuminatrix. Mary is interpreted lady. Mary is a bitter sea to the demons; to men she is the star of the sea; to the angels she is illuminatrix, and to all creatures she is lady ... Let us pray, let us pray most devoutly to Mary and say: O Mary, Bitter Sea, help us, that we may be plunged into the bitter sea of penance! O Mary, Star of the Sea, help us, that we may be guided rightly through the sea of this world! O Mary, Light-giver, help us, that we may be eternally illumined in glory! O Lady Mary, help us by thy government and empire that we may be filially governed. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
                                                -Saint Bonaventure supra: Spec. B.M., ch. iii, pp. 15, 27 (trans Sr. M. Emmanuel, O.S.B., 1932).

6. Mary means star of the sea, for as mariners are guided to port by the ocean star, so Christians attain to glory through Mary's maternal intercession.
                                                -Saint Thomas Aquinas, O.P., Doct. of the Church (+ 1274), as cited in booklet Mysteries of Mary (Clyde, Mo., 1943).

7. There is something so admirable, sweet and sublime in this name of Mary, that when it meets with friendly hearts it breathes into them an odor of delightful sweetness.
                                                -Abbot Francone: De Grat. D., I, 6.

8. O Mary, what must thou thyself be, since thy very name is so loving and gracious?
                                                -Blessed Henry Suso, O.P. (+ 1365): Dial., c. 16.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Power of the Name of Mary

    1. The name of Mary is the key of the gates of Heaven.
      • Saint Ephraem of Edessa, Doct. of the Church (+c. 373): De Laud. Dei Gen.
    2. The name, O Mary, is a precious ointment, which breathes forth the odor of Divine Grace. Let this ointment of salvation enter the inmost recesses of our souls.
      • Saint Ambrose, Bp. C. Doct. of the Church (+397): Instit. Virg., c. 13.
    3. The name of Mary is an indication of chastity.
      • Saint Peter Chrysologus, Bp. C. Doct. of Church (+ c. 450): Serm. 146.
    4. Mary means light, for from her proceeded Christ, the Light of the world.
      • Saint Isidore of Seville, Doct. of the Church (+636), cited in Mysteries of Mary.
    5. As breathing is not only a sign but even a cause of life, so the name of Mary, which is constantly found on the lips of God's servants, both proves that they are truly alive, and at the same time causes and preserves their life, and gives them every succor.
      • Saint Germanus of Constantinople (+ 732): De Zona Deip.
    6. May thy name, O Mother Of God, be the last sound that escapes my lips.
      • Saint Germanus supra, cited by Archbishop Kenrick.
    7. Thy name, O Mother of God, is filled with divine graces and blessings. 
      • Saint Methodius (+ 847): De Sim. et Anna.
    8. O name of Mary! Joy in the heart, honey in the mouth, melody to the ear of her devout clients!
      • Saint Antony of Padua, O.F.M., Doct of Church (+ 1231): Dom. 3 Quadr., s. 2.
This is my first post on selections on the power of the name of Mary. I have so many topics about the Mother of God so please remember this is the first sampling, I hope you receive great edification from this and remember to invoke the Mother of God, after Jesus Christ, her name is most powerful against the devil and Hell! More information posts to follow!


Hello to everyone, this blog will be a special project about the Mother of God. I have done a lot of research into this important woman and I would like to share the information I have learned for the edification of Catholics and the conversion of people into the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. It is important for people to find her and pray to her for her intercession with Christ, the Savior of Humanity. This is a dark age we all live in and it is so important to tell people that God is REAL, that he really did become incarnate in the womb of the Virgin Mary and that he will save people through His Precious Blood and the intercession of the Mother of God. Thanks for visiting and I will start posting soon. Thanks and God Bless!