- The name of Mary is the key of the gates of Heaven.
- Saint Ephraem of Edessa, Doct. of the Church (+c. 373): De Laud. Dei Gen.
- The name, O Mary, is a precious ointment, which breathes forth the odor of Divine Grace. Let this ointment of salvation enter the inmost recesses of our souls.
- Saint Ambrose, Bp. C. Doct. of the Church (+397): Instit. Virg., c. 13.
- The name of Mary is an indication of chastity.
- Saint Peter Chrysologus, Bp. C. Doct. of Church (+ c. 450): Serm. 146.
- Mary means light, for from her proceeded Christ, the Light of the world.
- Saint Isidore of Seville, Doct. of the Church (+636), cited in Mysteries of Mary.
- As breathing is not only a sign but even a cause of life, so the name of Mary, which is constantly found on the lips of God's servants, both proves that they are truly alive, and at the same time causes and preserves their life, and gives them every succor.
- Saint Germanus of Constantinople (+ 732): De Zona Deip.
- May thy name, O Mother Of God, be the last sound that escapes my lips.
- Saint Germanus supra, cited by Archbishop Kenrick.
- Thy name, O Mother of God, is filled with divine graces and blessings.
- Saint Methodius (+ 847): De Sim. et Anna.
- O name of Mary! Joy in the heart, honey in the mouth, melody to the ear of her devout clients!
- Saint Antony of Padua, O.F.M., Doct of Church (+ 1231): Dom. 3 Quadr., s. 2.
This is my first post on selections on the power of the name of Mary. I have so many topics about the Mother of God so please remember this is the first sampling, I hope you receive great edification from this and remember to invoke the Mother of God, after Jesus Christ, her name is most powerful against the devil and Hell! More information posts to follow!
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